Preventative Dentistry
Dental Exams and Digital X-rays
When you visit Northern Smiles Family Dental for your regularly scheduled cleaning, a dental examination will typically be completed by Dr. Nielson. Routine dental examinations is not only about stopping a problem before it becomes an inconvenience for you, but also treating the concerned area while it is smaller allowing you to minimize how much time and money you need to spend in our office. With Digital x-rays we are able to reduce radiation by up to 90% and provide better diagnostic information that traditional dental x-rays. If there is something that needs attention and can be seen in the mouth, our team can utilize intraoral camera’s that allow us to take a photograph of the area of concern and enlarge it on the computer monitor in front of you.

Regular Prophylactic Cleaning
No matter how hard you may try to keep your teeth clear of buildup, we occasionally will still struggle in a few areas. For this reason, we encourage our patients to visit our office for a cleaning on a frequent occasion. Most patients will see one of our wonderful hygienist every six months for a regular dental cleaning. At this visit you will also see Dr. Nielson. Depending on your insurance and individual need, x-rays may or may not be taken. There are those occasions where time gets the best of us and years pass by from the last time we had a cleaning. We completely understand! However, depending upon your individual circumstance, our excellent team of hygienist may need to complete a deeper cleaning. Deep cleanings, typically known as Scaling and Root Planing, will need to be completed when some of those pesky tartar buildups occur beneath your gums. This deep cleaning will help reduce the risk of gum disease, also known as Periodontal Disease, and help restore your tissue back to a health state.
Fluoride Treatment
As patients, when we typically hear the word fluoride, we immediately think that fluoride is just for kids. However, at Northern Smiles Family Dental depending on your specific risk for getting cavities, we may feel that it is necessary to incorporate fluoride as part of your overall dental treatment. Fluoride can help re-mineralize teeth and make your teeth more resistant to the acid that is produced from bacteria, plaque and sugars within the mouth.
Night Guards
Have you ever been told that you grind your teeth? Does your jaw or muscles around your jaw hurt in the morning when you wake up? Do you frequently have headaches? All of these are indications that you may need a night guard. Many adults suffer from grinding their teeth at night and are unable to fix the problem without the assistance of the night guard. In order to have your personalized night guard made, we would need to see you for simple impressions and that’s it! Probably one of the most easiest appointments other than getting your teeth cleaned. We then bring you back in a couple of weeks to try in your custom night guard and make any necessary adjustments at that appointment.
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8 AM to 5PM